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Spring 2015


Why Spring is the Best Time for Air Conditioning Maintenance

As winter comes to a close and spring gets underway, it is time for homeowners to start preparing their homes for the coming summer season. Now, it may seem a bit early to start thinking that far ahead. Trust us, though, spring is the perfect time to start preparing your home for the hottest months of the year. One of those preparations should be air conditioning maintenance.

Your air conditioner is a pretty sturdy system, and it’s designed to last for many years. However, all air conditioners are designed with the assumption that their users will be conducting regular preventive maintenance on them. Without that maintenance, your air conditioner may not last nearly as long as you’d like. Most manufacturers recommend that you have your air conditioner checked at least once a year. In fact, a lot of air conditioner warranties require that annual maintenance in order to remain valid. Why spring, though? What makes spring such a good time to schedule air conditioning maintenance?

Well, the best time to conduct maintenance on anything is usually right before you plan on using it more often. Heaters are often serviced in the fall, and air conditioners tend to be serviced during spring. This ensures that any developing issues your air conditioner has are dealt with, before they are exacerbated by the increased usage during the summer. If you don’t conduct annual spring maintenance on your air conditioner, you run the risk of having it break down from the strain during the hot summer months. It will probably be a lot more comfortable to have your air conditioner repaired or replaced during spring, when you don’t necessarily need it, then to spend several days without it during summer.

Your air conditioner’s efficiency will also likely go up after your annual spring maintenance. As wear and tear from normal use begins to accumulate on the system, the various parts in the system slowly begin to decline in their ability to perform their various functions. Some of these parts may need to be replaced, while other just need a good cleaning to be restored to full strength. Either way, an annual maintenance checkup is the best way to ensure that your air conditioner is in prime operating condition. If you haven’t had your annual spring air conditioner checkup yet, give us a call today.  

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