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Yes, Your AC Might Need Repairs This Spring

Of course, we’d all love to turn on our air conditioners for the summer and find that there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. But unfortunately, things do happen during the winter, and you might just find that your AC is in need of repairs.

In fact, there are a number of common early AC repairs, and below, we have listed some of them for you. Just keep reading to find out more, and of course, remember to call our team for your AC repair in Washington, DC if you notice any problems with your system.

The Most Common Pre-Season AC Repairs

Like we mentioned above, there are a number of common AC repairs to be on the lookout for:

Compressor Issues

Your system’s compressor is tasked with pressurizing the refrigerant so that heat can be released. It has its own motor and a fair amount of electrical wiring, and therefore, is prone to its own set of repair needs. Since the compressor is a complex component of your air conditioner, and because refrigerant runs through it, it is highly important that you hire a professional to take care of any issues that arise.

Fan Problems

Your air conditioner has two main fans: the evaporator fan, which pushes cool air into your ductwork and the condenser fan, which removes heat from the system. There are a number of issues that can develop with these fans, including issues with the belts, motor problems, and loose or bent blades. Since these fans are so vital to the operation of your AC, it is important that repairs are taken care of right away.

Refrigerant Leaks

Your AC relies on the flow of refrigerant to keep your home nice and cool. Therefore, a refrigerant leak will typically lead to a decline in cooling output. You may see water surrounding your AC unit, notice ice on the evaporator coil, or hear a strange hissing sound. If these signs go ignored for too long, you could be facing an entire system breakdown, so it is best to remain proactive and schedule your repairs ASAP!

Ductwork Leaks

Leaky air ducts are a pretty serious problem, as they can contribute to up to 30% of air loss! That’s a whole lot of wasted energy! When your air ducts are leaky, you’ll definitely notice an increase in your energy bills.

Hire a Professional

Be on the lookout for strange sounds, short cycling, a loss in cooling power, and high energy costs, as these all indicate that there is something wrong with your system. If you notice any of these, be sure to call in a professional for repairs ASAP!

Trust us, when it comes to your comfort, you don’t want to take any risks! That’s why it is highly important that you call in a team of certified HVAC professionals at the first sign of trouble.

Ready to schedule your air conditioning repairs? All you have to do is contact the team at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. to get started. 

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