Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Indoor Air Quality’

This is What You’re Breathing in Right Now

Monday, January 8th, 2024

When’s the last time you really thought about what’s in your indoor air? Maybe when the pollen count is high and you’re worried about it getting indoors, or if there was a small kitchen fire and you’re seeing smoke. Otherwise, you probably don’t think about it that much.

But the thing is, there’s enough floating around in your air right now, on a normal day, to warrant an air purifier in Alexandria, VA. Let’s tell you what you’re breathing in, and more importantly, what it could be doing to you.

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Hidden Benefits of an Air Purifier

Monday, April 5th, 2021

Did you know that foul odors in your air are actually caused by microscopic particles that are impossible to see? It’s one of the unfortunate things about cleaning your home, you’ll never really be able to clean everything with some paper towels, cleaning spray, a mop, and a vacuum. In fact, some things like your indoor air will only be cleaned with the help of an air purifier.

Today, we’re going to highlight a few of the lesser-known benefits of an air purifier. Sure, you might already know that they kill bacteria and viruses, but that means a lot more than just making your home safer. Air purifiers remove odors, they can deal with particles like mold spores that permeate your home, and they can improve the productivity and efficiency of your HVAC system.

If you didn’t want an air purifier in Alexandria, VA already, then this blog post might just do it for you.

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Air Purifiers: The Polar Bear Difference

Monday, November 16th, 2020

What’s the first thing you picture when you take a whiff of clean, crisp, fresh air? Do you picture a beautiful meadow in spring? Or perhaps you picture a snowscape in the middle of the winter where the air feels calming and almost crunchy? Regardless of what you picture in your head, we want to add your home to the list. That’s right, your living room could have the freshest air imaginable, as long as you have the right air purification system for it.

Homes are seriously lacking air purifiers in Alexandria, VA. It’s gotten so bad to the point where homeowners would rather open a window in the middle of the winter to get air that’s not stuffy or fully of contaminants.

Make your home the paradise you want it to be, with an air purifier that will keep your air clean.

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UV Light Purifier: How It Works

Monday, August 10th, 2020

Air purification isn’t a simple measurement. There’s a lot of air in your home and it could be thoroughly contaminated with germs. While lighting some candles and scrubbing surfaces might help a little bit, we’ve always been at a loss as to how we could safely and effectively clean our indoor air. That is—until the UV light purifier was developed.

This handy piece of equipment eradicates germs that enter your home. Since they’re mounted in your ductwork, these germicidal lights treat all the incoming air that goes through your HVAC system. As far as an air purifier in Washington, DC goes, these have to be some of the most effective ones.

Want to know exactly how they work? Well, we’d love to tell you! Keep reading as we get into the specifics of such a high-tech indoor air quality solution.

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Reduce Humidity: Stay Comfortable

Monday, July 13th, 2020

Humidity really is the bane of our comfort during the summers. Especially when it comes to HVAC services in Washington, DC, it gets hot and muggy and your air conditioner might not be able to handle the load all on its own. Air conditioners can naturally dehumidify your air, but they’re not as effective as they could be working together with a dehumidifier!

Dehumidifiers provide an essential service for homes that are dealing with too much moisture. While many homeowners can tell that their moisture levels inside are too high, some homeowners can’t and it’s up to us to talk about some of the signs that you’re dealing with a humidity problem. Are you dealing with a humidity problem?

Let’s talk about what humidity is and why it can be detrimental to you and your home during the summer months.

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A Guide to Your Air Cleaner Options

Monday, June 1st, 2020

Clean air is something that is gravely misunderstood in our industry. Homeowners will often call their local HVAC professionals to have a new AC or heater installed but they won’t even think about looking into their indoor air quality. While sure, some of these systems are expensive and with homeowners being on tight budgets these days, it’s understandable that you need to pick and choose what systems are right for your home. Many of these systems are fairly affordable though.

So, in light of trying to spread some awareness about indoor air quality, the cleanliness of our homes, and how to keep each other safe and comfortable, we’re going to talk a bit about the air cleaning options out there on the market. Remember, if any of these options sound good to you, call our team for Leesburg air cleaner installation today!

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Why Is My Air Quality Low?

Monday, May 21st, 2018

air-quality-dandelionWhen the summer heat is high, you expect your AC to keep you cool. You expect your heater to keep you warm and cozy during the cold winter season. And … well, that’s it, right? As far as comfort goes?

If you believe that, then you are doing yourself and your comfort a serious disservice. While maintaining comfortable temperatures in your home is certainly vital, maintaining high indoor air quality is equally so. We’re here to help you do that.

One question that homeowners sometimes ask us is why their indoor air quality is low to begin with. The truth is that this is a very loaded question. There are a lot of different reasons why indoor air quality may suffer. Some are within our control, while others are environmental issues we really cannot change. In either case, the best thing to do is to use the right systems and services to boost your indoor air quality. That is why you should turn to us for IAQ and HVAC services in Alexandria.

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Why Use UV Germicidal Lights?

Monday, February 19th, 2018

family-playingLiving comfortably in your own home is not something that you should compromise on. It is something every homeowner deserves. That being said, maintaining comfortable temperatures in your home should not be your sole priority. Important as it may be, it is also vital that you maintain high indoor air quality in your home as well.

In many cases, using air filtration systems or electronic air purifiers will be enough.  In others,  however, dealing with pollutants of a different kind—biological pollutants—will be necessary. These pollutants are living organisms, and include viruses, mold spores, and bacteria. Such pollutants cannot simply be filtered out of the air. They must be destroyed, and they can be with the use of UV germicidal lights in Washington, DC.

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Why Humidify Your Home?

Monday, January 22nd, 2018

question-mark-badgeDuring the summer season, our weather can get extremely hot and humid. The idea of adding humidity to a home during any time of the year seems like an odd decision. In truth, adding the right amount of humidity to the air in a house is a great way to protect indoor air quality and alleviate a number of physical symptoms for people and materials.

Today, we’ll look at a few of the issues that may arise in a house with low humidity. We’ll also help you  understand why you should skip the standalone humidifiers and opt instead for a whole-house humidifier in Georgetown. If you have any questions, call a member of our team. We have the expertise to determine if you could benefit from a whole-house humidifier.

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Low Humidity? Big Problem

Monday, August 14th, 2017

comfortable-womanFor many homeowners, the pursuit of comfort in their respective homes begins and ends with a great air conditioner and a dependable, efficient heater. We certainly do not intend to downplay the role that successful temperature maintenance plays in your overall comfort. However, we must also remind you that temperature maintenance is not the whole picture. If you are serious about living in the full comfort we believe you deserve, then must maintain great indoor air quality as well as temperature control.

Another fact that you may not fully realize is that maintaining great indoor air quality in Washington, DC can actually help to protect your property and your health, as well as your comfort. Whether due to the dehumidifying effects of running an AC all the time in the summer, or the naturally drier air that we experience in the winter, you may not have a sufficient amount of humidity in your living space. Using a whole-house humidifier is the best way to resolve that problem. 

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