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Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Blog

What to Consider Prior to a Boiler Installation

The boiler is a tried and true system when it comes to residential heating. It is certainly not a fluke that the boiler remains among the most popular of all home heating systems. If you are thinking about replacing a heating system before the worst of the winter weather arrives, or if you need a heater installed in a brand new home, a boiler is a very good option to consider. Of course, there is a lot to think about prior to getting your boiler installation in Washington, D.C. underway. Keep the following tips in mind, and feel free to contact the pros at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. with any questions that you may have.


When we talk of the size of a boiler, or of any other heating system, we do not mean its physical size or the amount of space that it takes up, but rather its heating capacity. If your heater is not of the right size for the space in which it is installed, then there is no hope for it to function as effectively and efficiently as it ought to. An undersized boiler will waste energy as it runs too long, too often, trying to cool a space beyond its capabilities. An oversized boiler will adjust the temperature too rapidly, short cycling and suffering excessive wear and tear. Allow us to determine the right size of boiler for your home.

Fuel Source

While many homeowners still use oil to fuel their boilers, a lot of people are moving away from oil for greener and more affordable options. Natural gas is our preferred boiler fuel, and we are happy to help you to find the right gas boiler for your needs. Not only do we install and service gas boilers, but we can also complete an oil to gas conversion for you. That way you can use a cleaner, more efficient fuel when heating your home.


The more efficient a boiler is, the more it is likely to cost. Now, you shouldn’t run out and buy the cheapest boiler that you can find just to save some cash. That won’t benefit you financially in the long run. However, you also shouldn’t bite off more than you chew in terms of budget and initial expense. We can help you to weigh your options and to walk the line between efficiency and affordability successfully. Call today to get started.


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