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Air Purifiers: The Polar Bear Difference

What’s the first thing you picture when you take a whiff of clean, crisp, fresh air? Do you picture a beautiful meadow in spring? Or perhaps you picture a snowscape in the middle of the winter where the air feels calming and almost crunchy? Regardless of what you picture in your head, we want to add your home to the list. That’s right, your living room could have the freshest air imaginable, as long as you have the right air purification system for it.

Homes are seriously lacking air purifiers in Alexandria, VA. It’s gotten so bad to the point where homeowners would rather open a window in the middle of the winter to get air that’s not stuffy or fully of contaminants.

Make your home the paradise you want it to be, with an air purifier that will keep your air clean.

Why Is Your Air Contaminated?

We’re not trying to make you feel bad for having contaminated air. You likely fit in with most of the population of this country who have contaminated air inside their homes. While there’s no need to be embarrassed about it, it’s also not something to be proud of. Things can be different, and your home can be safe from contaminated air if you invest in an air purifier.

Viruses, bacteria, and mold spores exist in large amounts as microorganisms that we just can’t see. Your air might look clear, but if you were to take it under a microscope, you’d feel differently. That’s where an air purifier can help. It doesn’t sift through your air as our eyes do, it takes things at a microscopic level and eliminates contaminants that we can’t even discern are there.

What Do Air Purifiers Do?

Air purifiers, like ultraviolet germicidal lights, eliminate microbial organisms in the air as they pass through your air ducts. The ultraviolet light eliminates the organism’s ability to reproduce, which is fundamental to the survival of these kinds of particles. Essentially, the ultraviolet light renders mold, viruses, and bacteria harmless and allows them to be easily ignored and removed from your air.

Why doesn’t the ultraviolet light hurt you? Well, since they’re mounted in your air ducts, they’re too far away and out of sight for them to have any harmful effects on you. It’s the same effect you would have if you were one room away from a tanning booth—which is essentially null.

The Polar Bear Difference

With our team, the polar bear difference is the option of quality over quantity. We’re a local company, not a giant corporation or a satellite of one. We actually care about the community and the families of our customers. When it comes to keeping your air safe, it’s important to work with a team that isn’t just concerned with selling products and making their bottom line. It’s about trusting us to give you the right information and work with you to come up with an indoor air quality solution that works for you and your budget. Is an air purifier not exactly what you’re looking for? That’s fine, we’ll get to the bottom of it.

Call Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. for indoor air quality services by a team that cares.

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