Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Blog: Archive for November, 2022

How Regular Maintenance Helps Your Heat Pump

Monday, November 28th, 2022
Heat pump unit visible in a bedroom.

Your heat pump endures a lot of wear and tear throughout the year. You’re already facing the uncertainty of each season; you shouldn’t have to worry about your heat pump on top of everything else. Heat pump maintenance saves you a lot of money in the long run, so let’s talk about how.

Regular heat pump maintenance in Alexandria keeps your system from completely breaking down while also improving your energy efficiency. Let’s break down every benefit to regular maintenance for your heat pump and schedule your first maintenance call at the same time.

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How Can I Tell if My Circulator Pump Needs Repair?

Monday, November 14th, 2022
Water boiler in a corner.

Your boiler is the underdog of your household. There’s always plenty of warmth throughout your home on the coldest days of the year, and life keeps on moving. But there’s one element to your boiler that you might be having trouble with, and that’s the circulator pump.

As the unsung hero of your home’s warmth and coziness, your circulator pump is running constantly. Let’s find out if your pump is okay, or if you need circulator pump repair in Washington, DC as soon as possible.

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