Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Arlington’

Is a Furnace Right for Me?

Monday, October 23rd, 2017

winter-backgroundThe time to start thinking seriously about your heater is upon you. The last thing that you want to experience this winter is a subpar performance from a heater that is not well-maintained, so be sure to schedule your heating tune-up with a trained professional sooner rather than later.

Of course, you may also need to have a new heater installed in your home this year. If that is the case, you are probably at least considering the installation of a furnace in Arlington, VA.

Furnaces definitely have a lot to offer, and it is no fluke that they are so popular throughout the country. But there is no such thing as a heater that is ideal for every home, homeowner, or situation. If you have been on the ropes about which type of heater to use in your residence, give the following information some thought. We have the answers that you need in order to find the right heater for your needs.

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Keep a Fresh Air Filter in Your AC!

Monday, June 19th, 2017

filterWhen you cool your home, you want to do so as efficiently as possible. Nobody wants to pay more than they should need to when cooling their homes, especially if they are seeing a decline in the overall performance of their air conditioners at the same time. So why might someone encounter such problems with their system? Sometimes, it is due to a repair need. Other times, however, it can be something as simple as the homeowner forgetting to change the air filter in the system.

While it is true that the vast majority of air conditioning maintenance must be completed by trained, experienced, and professional HVAC technicians, that doesn’t mean that you can’t help to keep your system in fine working condition. Simply changing out the air filter in your system is easily the best way for you to do this. It may sound like a minor issue, but failing to keep a fresh filter in your air conditioner in Arlington, VA can have some seriously negative consequences.

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Why Is My AC Blowing Warm Air?

Monday, May 8th, 2017

thermometer-going-redThere is nothing better than coming home to a cool, comfortable environment on a hot summer day. When the heat of summer is at its worst, your air conditioner is your last line of defense against serious discomfort. That is exactly why any problems with your air conditioner should be dealt with immediately. Ignoring “minor” problems with your AC is only going to give those problems the opportunity that they need to get worse, negatively affect your comfort, and potentially do costly damage.

Not all problems with an air conditioner are easily ignored, of course. Certain issues will elicit more concern than others. With the exception of an air conditioner that has broken down entirely, one that blows warm air is probably the most alarming situation a homeowner can face. If your air conditioner in Arlington, VA is blowing warm air, we have some tips to help you determine the proper course of action.

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Should I Replace My Heater This Year?

Monday, February 20th, 2017

We’re past the mid-point of February. While there is still plenty of chilly weather ahead of us, this is the time of the year when people generally start to anticipate the warmer weather around the corner. We understand that you are probably eager to shut down your heater for the last time of the season. Just because the heating season may be winding down, however, does not mean that you should put your heater out of mind.

How has your heater held up this season so far? If the answer is “not very well,” then you may want to consider replacing that system once its job is done for the year. Doing so at the close of the season can help you to avoid overlooking the need and heading into another season with an ill-prepared system. So why would you consider a heating replacement in Arlington, VA?

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A Dirty Air Filter Is a Big Problem

Monday, January 9th, 2017

If you, like so many other homeowners, use a forced-air heating system to keep your home warm and cozy, then you know how effective and reliable these systems are. You hopefully also know how important it is that you keep a fresh air filter in your system. Doing so is necessary if you hope to get the best performance possible from your heat pump or furnace.

While you may think that forgetting about the filter is a relatively minor problem in the grand scheme of things, a dirty air filter can actually cause some serious problems. If you value the performance of your heater in Arlington, then you’ll keep a fresh air filter on deck. Doing so will help you to avoid these issues.

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Forced Air Heating FAQ: Is My Ductwork Leaking?

Monday, December 19th, 2016

While we are big proponents of using boilers to heat homes, there are still a lot of homeowners that prefer the prompt heating made possible by forced-air systems like furnaces. There is nothing wrong with using a forced-air heating system, obviously. Just keep in mind the fact that there are a few potential problems that you may encounter with such systems that you would not with a boiler.

Leaky ductwork is a leading cause of energy inefficiency in many homes throughout the country. If your home is getting warm enough, you may not realize that your air ducts are leaking at all. You will, however, be suffering the effects nonetheless. Here are a few signs that your ductwork in Arlington, VA may be compromised. 

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Why Choose Natural Gas Over Heating Oil?

Monday, December 5th, 2016

The heaters in our area have already been fired up and running for a few weeks now. It’s set to be a long, cold winter, so we hope that you’ve scheduled routine heating maintenance already. There is another consideration to make. Are you going to continue using oil to heat your home?

Because oil prices have fallen substantially, some homeowners who have considered converting to natural gas are rethinking their stance. Those doing so may want to rethink that rethinking, though. We encourage homeowners to go ahead with their oil to gas conversion in Arlington, VA.

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Heating Safety Tips for the Winter Season

Monday, November 7th, 2016

During the coldest time of the year, you need to be able to heat your home both effectively and efficiently. If that is as far as your goals stretch then you are missing an important part of the equation. You must also be able to heat your home safely.

Safe heating in Arlington, VA is not a given. You must take certain measures to ensure that you’re heating your home in a way that does not put your safety at risk. Read the following information, and remember to schedule your heating services with the professional technicians on our team.

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When to Schedule Boiler Repair

Monday, October 10th, 2016

There are a lot of reasons to use a boiler to heat your home. Unlike forced air heating systems, you won’t have to worry about issues with air leaks reducing efficiency or causing indoor air quality problems. Boilers also last a long time, and have few repair needs due to having a small number of moving parts. This is not to say that boilers are 100% problem free, though. All mechanical systems encounter operational problems from time to time, and you’ll need boiler repairs in Arlington, VA eventually. Here are some warning signs to look out for:

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Ductless Mini Splits Allow for Zoned Heating and Cooling

Monday, September 19th, 2016

There is absolutely nothing wrong with using ductwork to distribute conditioned air through your home. One drawback, though, is that a central air conditioner or a furnace will generally demand that you heat or cool your entire home to one temperature. With the installation of a zone control system you can resolve the issue, but many homeowners don’t want to sink any more money into their existing systems. 

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