Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Commercial HVAC’ Category

Signs You Need to Call for Commercial Air Conditioning Repairs before Summer

Monday, April 27th, 2015

Keeping your business in Arlington, VA cooled down through the often hot and humid summers takes a great deal of work from an air conditioning system. During the spring when your AC first starts to work on a regular basis, take the time to look for any signs that might indicate the system is experiencing malfunctions. If you catch these problems early, you’ll have time to arrange for repair work and lower the risk of the system experiencing a catastrophic breakdown during one of the hotter days of the summer—and that is certainly nothing you want to risk with your business!

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Can’t I Wait to Schedule My Commercial Heating for Maintenance?

Friday, March 6th, 2015

Your commercial heating system works hard around the clock to keep your business’s indoor temperature comfortable.  Being without heat, or having poor heating in your business space simply isn’t an option, but there is a great way to ensure that your commercial heating stays on track: schedule a maintenance appointment for your commercial heating in Alexandria.

What’s So Important About Maintenance?

Did you know that for every year you don’t schedule maintenance for your heating system, it loses 5% of its overall efficiency? This means that if you don’t schedule maintenance for three years, your system can lose up to 15% of its normal efficiency. Not only will you lose efficiency, but operating a commercial heating system season after season with accumulating wear and tear means you run the risk of having an uncomfortable commercial space. Why? Excessive wear and tear affects how your heating system operates, and it may become difficult for your system to achieve your set temperature. This leads us to our next reason why maintenance is so important: prevention of repairs. Carrying the wear and tear of each season into the next makes your system more prone to malfunction and potential breakdown. The cleaning, adjusting and lubrication that occurs during a maintenance appointment removes the excess dust and dirt, and allows your components and system to work as they should. And when you keep your commercial HVAC system in good working order year after year, you can actually help extend the life of your system.

When Should I Schedule Maintenance?

Because commercial HVAC systems do a tremendous amount of work, it is recommended that you schedule maintenance for your commercial heating system twice a year – once in the fall and again in mid- or end of winter. To gain the benefits of maintenance, it is always important to hire commercial HVAC experts to do any work to your commercial system, whether you need maintenance, repair, installation or replacement.

The commercial professionals at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc., are here to assist with all of your commercial heating needs, so call us today!

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How to Tell that You Need Commercial Heating Repair

Thursday, December 18th, 2014

If you own your own business, you know that a business owner has to deal with a whole host of issues that a private citizen never has to think about. One subject on which the two share quite a few qualities, however, is heating repair. Commercial heating repair is not all that different from home heating repair, except in terms of scale and consequences. The last thing you want is customers coming into your building and being uncomfortably hot or cold. With that in mind, let’s take a look at these signs that you need commercial heating repair.


This is a nasty one. Short-cycling is what happens when your heating system keeps turning itself on and off rapidly throughout the day. It is caused by the heating system’s limit switch, which is responsible for regulating the system’s internal temperature. When the limit switch detects that the system is overheating, it shuts the whole thing down to prevent it from damaging itself. Unfortunately, this is only a stop-gap measure. Once the system has cooled off sufficiently, it starts back up and overheats again because the root cause has not been addressed. This can cause an incredible amount of damage to the system. If you notice this happening, call a professional right away.

Odd Noises

One of the classic indications of heating trouble, odd noises are almost never a good sign when they’re coming from your heating system. A squealing sound often indicates that your air handler’s fan belt is close to breaking. If that happens, your air handler will be unable to actually circulate air through the ducts.

A grinding noise is a sign that the bearings on your motor might be wearing out. The bearings are responsible for keeping the motor running smoothly. As they age, however, they can run out of good oil with which to keep the friction down. This causes the motor to fight against more and more friction until it eventually burns out.

If you are experiencing trouble with your commercial heating system, call Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. We provide commercial heating services throughout McLean, VA

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