Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Commercial HVAC’ Category

Benefits of Using a Consistent Commercial HVAC Contractor

Monday, June 24th, 2024

If you own a business or a commercial property, your HVAC system or systems are absolutely critical to your continued ability to do business! Whether it’s a small shop, an apartment building, or an industrial warehouse, the HVAC system is the heart and lungs of the operation. 

You’d soon find yourself out of business, not to mention putting employees and tenants in an unsafe situation, if your HVAC system failed. What can you do to make sure that doesn’t happen? Using a consistent commercial HVAC contractor can make a big difference in keeping things running as they should. Here’s why.

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4 Most Common Commercial HVAC Problems

Monday, September 18th, 2023

An efficient HVAC system works as intended and keeps your customers (and staff) so comfortable that they’re not even thinking about the air temperature. But when your commercial HVAC system is on the fritz, it can put your guests into a bit of disarray.

So what are these problems that result in commercial HVAC repair in Alexandria, VA? Let’s break them down and talk about everything you need to know, what you can expect, and let’s find a solution to your commercial HVAC problem.

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How to Find the Best Local Commercial HVAC Company for Your Business

Monday, March 6th, 2023

You know what really stinks? Googling “commercial HVAC companies near me” right after you hear that your commercial HVAC system is on the fritz. There’s a problem, tensions are high, and there’s no immediate course of action.

So you call whoever pops up first… but is that really the best option? Oftentimes, jumping into the first result we find doesn’t yield the best results. You need to know what to look for before booking an expensive repair call, only to find out that the company doesn’t have your best interest at heart, and you still have to pay the piper anyway.

To help you find the best commercial HVAC company for your needs, we’ve put this quick list of traits and features together that you should look out for.

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Commercial HVAC Maintenance Can Reduce Repairs

Monday, October 17th, 2022

When your HVAC system goes down in a commercial environment, it can cost you something more valuable than the price to repair your unit. It can cost you business.

Commercial HVAC equipment and fans on top of roof.

Customers want a comfortable atmosphere regardless of the time of year. Without that, they may judge your business preemptively and have a negative experience. Thankfully, you can avoid that altogether.

Commercial HVAC maintenance can prevent most major problems with your unit. This is what you need to know.

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Commercial HVAC: Quality over Quantity

Monday, October 3rd, 2022

When it comes to commercial customers, things can get a bit overwhelming. There’s a lot of air that needs to be cooled or heated inside of a commercial space, and sometimes this can involve several different HVAC systems working together to bring great temperature control. When things go wrong, especially during a busy period of time, a building owner can sometimes look for a cheaper job than one that seeks to right all of the wrongs.

While we understand the sentiment, there’s something we need to remind all of our customers when they need commercial HVAC in Alexandria, VA–that quantity will never be better than quality. Your HVAC system requires targeted repairs, routine maintenance, and even a system replacement when it gets old or outdated. It’s important to pay for services that are worth the money, even if the cost is higher. So, let’s talk about the reasons why we focus on quality over quantity.

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Rooftop Units Are Perfect for Commercial Properties

Monday, June 4th, 2018

rooftop-unit-technicianMaintaining comfortable temperatures throughout the year can be a tall order for some homeowners. If you think that’s tough, however, just consider how hard it can be to keep a commercial property comfortable throughout the year. With people coming and going all day, different temperature requirements in different areas, the heat gain associated with crowded buildings, and so many other challenges, it can be quite difficult indeed.

Of course, difficult and impossible are two different things. And, for that matter, the task really isn’t that difficult when you have the right equipment installed by the right professionals. That is why you should leave your commercial HVAC services in Leesburg to the pros on our team. One option that we typically suggest commercial property owners consider is the rooftop unit. Read on to learn more about rooftop units, and why they are so desirable in the commercial sector.

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Commercial HVAC Tip: Use a Rooftop Unit

Monday, July 31st, 2017

Commercial-rooftop-systemsCommercial air conditioning systems and heaters are, of course, much larger than conventional residential AC units. Otherwise, there are not many differences between commercial systems and residential systems; they all run on refrigerant and use coils and blower fans to remove heat and cool a space.

However, there is typically a difference in the way air conditioners are installed on commercial buildings and the way they are installed in homes. A rooftop packaged HVAC unit is the best choice for many commercial properties (though not all). This type of AC and heating system sits on the rooftop of the building, and it tends to be the best choice for many of the commercial air conditioners and heaters in our area.

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3 Reasons to Choose a Commercial Rooftop Unit

Monday, May 30th, 2016

There are plenty of responsibilities on any commercial property owner’s plate. If you are serious about succeeding in your business endeavors, however, you must remember that it is not all about finances and scaling upward. You must also be sure to keep your potential and existing customers, tenants, and/or employees comfortable and happy. To do so, you need a great commercial HVAC system installed. If you are ready to have a system installed in a new property, or if the time has come to replace an existing commercial HVAC system, we strongly recommend that you consider the use of a rooftop unit.

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Is a Rooftop Unit Right for Your Commercial Property?

Monday, October 12th, 2015

When you own a commercial property of any sort, regardless of the type of business that you may do therein, it is important that you are able to maintain comfortable temperatures throughout that building all year long. This means that you must have a great commercial air conditioner, as well as a reliable and effective commercial heater. Should you find yourself in the market for any such systems, then you may want to consider investing in a rooftop unit. Rooftop HVAC units in Washington, DC are quite common, and it is pretty easy to see why. Read on to learn more about the benefits that you can enjoy by using a rooftop unit on your property, and remember to schedule your commercial HVAC services with the trained professionals here at Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc.

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3 Reasons to Choose a Packaged Commercial AC Unit

Monday, June 22nd, 2015

Summers can get very intensely hot in this part of the country, and it is absolutely necessary that commercial property owners are able to keep their clients, tenants, and employees cool and comfortable throughout the worst of it. This is precisely why it is so vital that you have a great commercial air conditioning system in place in your commercial property. There are a few options to consider when it comes to the way in which you choose to cool your commercial property. The packaged unit is certainly one of the most beneficial, for reasons that we will discuss below. Just remember to schedule your packaged air conditioning system services in Washington, DC with the professional technicians on the Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. team. 

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