Polar Bear Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

These Signs Mean Your AC Is in Trouble

Monday, July 2nd, 2018

don't-forgetIf you are looking for a resource that will tell you that there is a way in which to avoid problems with your air conditioning system indefinitely, then you have come to the wrong place. Why won’t we offer up these encouraging words? Well, because we are not in the business of lying to our customers. Nothing would make us happier than to guarantee that you’ll never encounter problems with your AC, but that is just not possible.

What our Leesburg AC repair pros can do for you, however, is ensure that you know what warning signs to look for when it comes to dealing with air conditioning problems. While you cannot completely eliminate the risk of encountering issues, you can deal with them in a prompt manner that will help to keep any resulting damages to your system to a bare minimum. Plus, you’ll be protecting your comfort in the process! So read on, and reach out with any concerns that you may have.

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Here’s Why AC Repair Can’t Wait

Monday, June 18th, 2018

technicians-with-air-conditionerAs long as your air conditioner is still operating with some semblance of success, you may be tempted to just let it limp along throughout the cooling season. We cannot advise you against doing so strongly enough. Yes, your air conditioner may be starting up and doing a half-decent job of cooling your home. No, that is not enough. You, and your air conditioning system, deserve a lot better than this.

We’re here to ensure that you enjoy the best performance possible from your home cooling system. Unfortunately, that sometimes means that we will have to repair your air conditioner. When—not if—that time arrives, you’ll want to schedule prompt air conditioning repair in Arlington, VA. That way, you won’t be at risk of running into trouble that could have easily been avoided had you acted quicker.

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Tips Regarding Air Conditioning Repair

Monday, May 14th, 2018

AC-manifoldWe are honest professionals, which is why we need to tell you that yes, at some point, you are going to need air conditioning repairs. When that time comes, you don’t want to make any mistakes that are going to make problems worse. That is why we have some tips for you to help you get the most from your air conditioning repair in Alexandria, VA.

Before we get to that, a quick reminder: No, there is no way in which you are going to be able to keep your air conditioner working reliably 100% of the time. However, scheduling professional, annual air conditioning maintenance will keep your system as close to that unattainable goal as possible. Our Polar Plus Maintenance Program will help protect your system and your comfort.

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Is Your AC Running in Short Bursts?

Wednesday, May 9th, 2018

temperature-just-rightWe have not even really hit the cooling season yet, so it may sound a bit pessimistic to hear us talking about potential problems with your air conditioning system. The reality of the situation, however, is that you are going to experience problems with your air conditioning system at some point. When you do, it is definitely in your best interest to spot those signs early on and to have them resolved as soon as possible. Never ignore an AC that is running irregularly.

If your system is running irregularly, starting up but then cycling back down before a full cooling cycle has a chance to finish, then your system is short cycling. This may not seem like too big of a problem if your home is still relatively comfortable. However, it can actually lead to a number of different problems—both for your comfort and your system itself. Professional air conditioning services in Arlington are available from the technicians on our team to address such issues. 

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Preventing Air Conditioning Problems

Monday, April 9th, 2018

thermometer-going-redBoy oh boy, are we ready for the summer weather to arrive. Sure, after a few weeks of truly brutal heat we’ll probably be wishing for things to cool down a bit, but some hot and sunny days sound pretty good right now, don’t they? Of course, it is a lot easier to enjoy that kind of weather when you know that you’ve got a nice, comfortable environment waiting for you once you do get back home for the night.

That is precisely why it is so important to schedule prompt air conditioning repairs when you notice that anything is amiss. Even better than scheduling prompt repairs is preventing the need for repairs in the first place. There are a lot of air conditioning options in Loudon County to choose from, but one thing they all share in common is that none of them are 100% reliable. With these tips in mind, however, you’ll at least be able to keep them as dependable as possible.

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What Causes an AC to Freeze Up?

Monday, July 17th, 2017

At first thought, a freezing air conditioner may not sound like that big of a problem. After all, you want your AC to be cooling your home, right? Of course you do–but remember that there is a huge difference between an air conditioner and a freezer. Your air conditioner should be removing heat from the air in your home and recirculating that air back into the living space at a lower temperature. At no point should it be freezing up, though.

Not only is ice on an air conditioner not a sign that it is working better than expected, but it is actually a sign that the system is not working the way that it ought to. If you see ice on your system, it is a sign of trouble. As is the case with any sign of trouble with your air conditioner in Georgetown, WA, you are going to need to act quickly if you really want to protect your AC from potentially serious damages. 

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Has My AC Sprung a Leak?

Monday, July 3rd, 2017

woman-with-fanUsually when we talk about leaks in air conditioning systems, we may be talking about oil or, unfortunately for some, refrigerant. However, every now and then we get a call from a homeowner concerned that their air conditioner is actually leaking water. This is not only alar ng, but also perplexing. After all, it is not as though an air conditioner actually uses water in its operation, right?

Well, that doesn’t mean that you are seeing things if you notice water surrounding your indoor unit, nor does it mean that the water is leaking from elsewhere in the house and is just pooling here. The air conditioner may well be the source of this water. It just may not be leaking out of the system in the way that you are thinking.

Here are a few different potential causes of this leaking, and what they mean for your air conditioner in Alexandria

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Why Is My AC Blowing Warm Air?

Monday, May 8th, 2017

thermometer-going-redThere is nothing better than coming home to a cool, comfortable environment on a hot summer day. When the heat of summer is at its worst, your air conditioner is your last line of defense against serious discomfort. That is exactly why any problems with your air conditioner should be dealt with immediately. Ignoring “minor” problems with your AC is only going to give those problems the opportunity that they need to get worse, negatively affect your comfort, and potentially do costly damage.

Not all problems with an air conditioner are easily ignored, of course. Certain issues will elicit more concern than others. With the exception of an air conditioner that has broken down entirely, one that blows warm air is probably the most alarming situation a homeowner can face. If your air conditioner in Arlington, VA is blowing warm air, we have some tips to help you determine the proper course of action.

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Are You Concerned About Hot Air Blowing from Your AC?

Monday, August 8th, 2016

Well, good, because you should be. This is one AC problem that obviously cannot be ignored, as the sole function of your air conditioner is to cool your home. There are a few different reasons as to why your air conditioner may be distributing hot air throughout your home. They are not equally serious, and some you can resolve on your own. Read on to learn more, and remember to call our number if you suspect the need for air conditioning repairs in Arlington, VA.

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Should I Be Concerned about a Noisy Operation from My Air Conditioning System?

Monday, July 25th, 2016

Great as it may be to have an air conditioning system capable of operating completely silently, this really just is not the reality of the situation. Your air conditioner is going to make some amount of noise as it works away to cool your home during the hottest time of the year. Have you ever wondered, though, just how much noise is too much noise?

As a general rule, schedule prompt air conditioning services whenever you notice that there is something unusual going on with your system. If your air conditioner is making loud or unfamiliar sounds while operating, we recommend that you contact us to schedule AC services in Washington, D.C. immediately. That way, we can resolve any existing or developing problems before serious damage is done to your system.

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